Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Vote for me, Everyday!

Hello fellow brothers and sisters in Christ,

I'm Terence Lee, a member from cell group N312 under AZ2 zone.

I'm an aspiring journalist and author, a year 2 university student at the School of Communication & Information, NTU. Recently, my blog has been selected as one of the Top 10 'Most Insightful' blogs in Singapore by, a chinese citizen journalism website.

To cut the long story short: I need your support.

This is exciting news. While blogging is a relatively new phenomenon, it's impact has already been felt worldwide. Where else in history has there been a medium that can allow your thoughts to be published on a global scale, to a potential audience of millions, and at the click of the mouse?
Even when I started blogging, I immediately recognised it's potential and how it can impact the world for Christ. Being an aspiring writer, I want to write as much as I can, and my blog is an avenue for me to do just that.

Currently, I am rallying support for my blog, where 30% of the score would be decided by votes, and 70% by a panel of three judges.

You can help me in three ways:

1) You can visit my blog at, and click on the S'pore Blog Awards icon on the left to vote. Alternatively, click here to proceed to the voting page. You can vote UP TO ONCE EVERY DAY, all the way until voting closes (So vote for me everyday, lah).

2) Forward this email to as many people as possible, and get them to support me.

3) Link me up on your own personal blog.

By voting for me, you stand with me on these three issues:

1) The relevance of God in modern society.
2) The need to protect the environment and be good stewards of God's resources.
3) The need for a freer society and greater enforcement of civil rights in Singapore.

Thanks for your support!
Best Regards,


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